Enter Amount :

(Maximum Allowed Amount 16102.95)

List of Pending Amount
Select Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Remaining Amt
53 11-01-2024 170.36 2555.40
36 24-12-2024 450.55 6758.25
8 23-11-2024 232.80 3492.00
3 16-11-2024 219.82 3297.30
List of Done Amount
Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Recieved Amt Action
446 19-10-2024 452.60 6789.00
437 10-10-2024 26.42 396.30
420 02-10-2024 30.40 456.00
415 30-09-2024 541.27 8119.05
394 12-09-2024 31.47 472.05
387 05-09-2024 478.30 7174.50
376 27-08-2024 405.60 6084.00
379 29-08-2024 441.00 6615.00