Enter Amount :

(Maximum Allowed Amount 20205.80)

List of Pending Amount
Select Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Remaining Amt
176 13-01-2025 11754.00 5289.30
174 09-01-2025 4254.00 1488.90
164 23-12-2024 2500.00 1125.00
158 13-12-2024 3264.00 1668.35
150 26-11-2024 4443.00 1555.05
146 20-11-2024 20176.00 9079.20
List of Done Amount
Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Recieved Amt Action
138 27-10-2024 51906.00 16371.50
127 13-10-2024 3425.00 1541.25
130 16-10-2024 13267.00 5970.15
120 03-10-2024 44429.00 13328.70
97 31-08-2024 8501.00 2750.00
115 25-09-2024 16587.00 5731.20
114 21-09-2024 6235.00 2805.75
111 13-09-2024 1927.00 867.15
105 08-09-2024 25560.00 7668.00
99 31-08-2024 1000.00 450.00
95 30-08-2024 10001.00 4700.00
104 06-09-2024 12300.00 3735.00
101 29-09-2024 12097.00 4062.90
87 21-08-2024 8785.00 2835.20
86 20-08-2024 8551.00 2565.30
82 15-08-2024 2801.00 1260.45
81 14-08-2024 14504.00 4550.90
80 12-08-2024 3035.00 910.50
72 08-08-2024 4113.00 2050.40
69 30-07-2024 13572.00 4071.60
67 27-07-2024 4261.00 1278.30
64 23-07-2024 5123.00 0.00
59 18-07-2024 8169.00 2450.70
60 18-07-2024 1620.00 928.55
55 15-07-2024 2000.00 900.00
52 09-07-2024 2688.00 806.40
50 06-07-2024 17845.00 5353.50
43 28-06-2024 16805.00 7179.50
44 28-06-2024 3892.00 1751.40
41 26-06-2024 8880.00 2664.00
36 15-06-2024 2001.00 800.00
34 11-06-2024 8897.00 2669.10
32 08-06-2024 5587.00 2514.15
27 24-05-2024 11729.00 3518.70
25 20-05-2024 10784.00 3514.35
23 15-05-2024 3852.00 1155.60
22 11-05-2024 9363.00 3081.75
21 07-05-2024 3685.00 1857.80
20 05-05-2024 8862.00 2658.60
17 29-04-2024 2001.00 1100.00