Enter Amount :

(Maximum Allowed Amount 209197.52)

List of Pending Amount
Select Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Remaining Amt
1135 21-11-2024 130.58 20126.18
915 21-10-2024 15.40 2816.66
915 21-10-2024 255.35 39480.22
760 09-10-2024 143.59 23955.18
731 07-10-2024 133.49 24415.32
730 07-10-2024 39.60 6700.96
718 06-10-2024 78.20 13228.99
706 06-10-2024 192.78 32218.57
688 04-10-2024 79.10 13164.59
659 02-10-2024 78.00 13367.20
650 01-10-2024 118.40 19723.65
List of Done Amount
Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Recieved Amt Action
603 28-09-2024 38.74 6551.22
599 27-09-2024 78.00 13195.17
534 24-09-2024 39.40 6451.65
473 18-09-2024 39.50 6683.60
442 14-09-2024 100.35 16691.08
424 12-09-2024 78.20 13228.99
366 06-09-2024 77.60 13125.73
328 04-09-2024 176.40 30073.12
314 02-09-2024 118.85 19799.19
238 22-08-2024 39.60 6787.42
252 24-08-2024 166.00 28142.24
204 17-08-2024 118.00 20133.90
198 16-08-2024 48.20 8247.01
166 14-08-2024 76.34 12868.78
212 18-08-2024 48.20 8247.01
218 20-08-2024 39.50 6597.36
270 28-08-2024 48.85 8091.94