Enter Amount :

(Maximum Allowed Amount 943287.81)

List of Pending Amount
Select Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Remaining Amt
708 24-12-2024 168.84 25419.78
656 05-12-2024 639.71 91301.91
1247 21-11-2024 35.24 6238.36
577 17-10-2024 1071.53 156084.22
518 07-10-2024 1697.30 244199.42
176 01-10-2024 360.00 68947.20
1037 11-10-2024 135.44 18203.12
518 07-10-2024 1697.30 206948.66
379 05-09-2024 3.00 638.40
379 05-09-2024 863.64 125306.74
List of Done Amount
Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Recieved Amt Action
177 05-07-2024 310.57 50784.41
177 05-07-2024 722.99 103263.68
87 15-06-2024 540.00 109200.00
301 12-08-2024 1017.74 142566.28
652 01-08-2024 768.11 105244.67
136 12-06-2024 949.57 149044.83
252 11-05-2024 504.55 73170.00