Enter Amount :

(Maximum Allowed Amount 625737.31)

List of Pending Amount
Select Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Remaining Amt
1985 29-12-2024 76.50 12076.46
1950 26-12-2024 21.82 3444.02
1934 25-12-2024 42.13 6563.09
1923 24-12-2024 62.02 9817.23
1916 23-12-2024 172.39 26200.38
1901 21-12-2024 43.52 6870.47
1869 19-12-2024 42.41 6606.49
1832 17-12-2024 171.08 26001.25
1807 16-12-2024 205.54 35652.97
1767 13-12-2024 458.65 79557.43
1741 10-12-2024 64.50 10319.27
1711 07-12-2024 117.30 18767.28
1687 06-12-2024 56.60 10352.14
1687 06-12-2024 85.36 13298.43
1661 03-12-2024 129.60 19975.09
1642 03-12-2024 110.80 19219.37
1625 03-12-2024 35.80 6547.82
1625 03-12-2024 215.89 33258.06
1625 03-12-2024 197.70 31220.78
1572 28-11-2024 42.24 6666.24
1544 26-11-2024 15.95 2917.26
1486 21-11-2024 51.57 8205.12
1536 25-11-2024 174.50 30268.77
1595 18-10-2024 1.00 26230.00
1362 27-10-2024 42.40 6691.72
1342 26-10-2024 386.94 60063.81
1319 25-10-2024 65.10 11906.79
1247 20-10-2024 212.99 32967.09
1140 14-10-2024 15.45 2825.81
1140 14-10-2024 42.35 6511.12
1145 14-10-2024 128.95 19874.74
1123 12-10-2024 85.25 13454.00
1081 09-10-2024 138.89 21406.81
List of Done Amount
Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Recieved Amt Action
1625 03-12-2024 197.70 31220.78