Enter Amount :

(Maximum Allowed Amount 75300.00)

List of Pending Amount
Select Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Remaining Amt
1668 27-12-2024 1.00 19180.00
1718 24-12-2024 1.00 3460.00
1716 18-12-2024 1.00 6070.00
1711 14-12-2024 1.00 9830.00
1707 13-12-2024 1.00 22210.00
1680 12-12-2024 1.00 3650.00
1679 12-12-2024 1.00 4850.00
1677 05-12-2024 1.00 6050.00
List of Done Amount
Bill No Bill Date Total Qty Recieved Amt Action
1613 23-10-2024 1.00 24850.00
1595 18-10-2024 5980.00 26222.30
1561 10-10-2024 5460.00 11160.24
1545 09-10-2024 2.00 3590.00
1545 09-10-2024 2.00 3590.00
1539 05-10-2024 3.00 3900.00